VIDAS D-Dimer Exclusion is the first test indicated for use in conjunction with a clinical pretest probability (PTP) assessment model to exclude safely deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in out-patients with suspected Venous Thromboembolism (VTE).
VIDAS D-Dimer Exclusion is the only test recommended to rule out PE in patients with a low or medium clinical probability.
(Bounameaux H. and Perrier A. The Hematology Journal, 2003; 4: 97-103)
With over 50 studies, including management trials, VIDAS D-Dimer Exclusion is considered by many experts as the reference test. Test performance is a key issue because “for every 2% decrease in sensitivity, 1 per 1000 patients studied will die of recurrent PE as a result of inappropriately withholding anticoagulant therapy”.
(Kruip M. et al Arch. Intern. Med., 2002; 162 : 1631-35)
For Laboratories:
- Feel confident in providing clinicians with a reliable D-Dimer result
- Easy-to-use system adapted for routine and emergency testing
- High analytical performance provided by an ELISA technique
For Clinicians:
- A safe and clinically validated exclusion diagnostis strategy
- Over 30% of out patients with suspected VTE can be safely ruled out
- Reduced need for invasive examination
- Adapted for emergency use
- Cost effective